Honoree: Hunger Strikers

the Hunger Strikers in the fight to fund excluded workers

Last year, excluded workers from across New York launched a long-shot campaign to win government relief. For months they took to the streets in heat and cold, telling their stories, educating the public, and demanding dignity.  With the budget deadline nearing in March, 24 Make the Road NY members took the extraordinary step of launching a hunger strike together with dozens more excluded workers from across New York. Their goal: to convince New York’s elected officials to pass the excluded worker fund once and for all. 

After three weeks without nourishment, the state finally passed an historic $2.1 billion fund, setting a precedent for the rest of the country and changing the conversation about who should be included in the safety net. 

The 24 hunger strikes hail from countries across the globe. They work in a wide array of industries. Some are new to Make the Road and some are long term leaders. All are united by a clarity of vision and a determination to build power. We are thrilled to honor them tonight.

Make the Road New York is pleased to honor
the Hunger Strikers in the fight to fund excluded workers with the Power Award.